by urbakbaudev | Jun 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
Dear Mr Mayor Ladies and gentlemen, aldermen and councillors, For reasons that apparently have more to do with the situation in the United States after the tragic events that took place there, we note that a petition is circulating in our country with no real basis or...
by urbakbaudev | Mar 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
Thanks to new, previously unpublished archives of Kasa-Vubu, his daughter Justine, former minister and ambassador and president of the Congolese diaspora, shares with the reader personal booklets that are tangible evidence of the values and spirit that animated this...
by urbakbaudev | Feb 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
Reaction from Renier Nijskens, president and Baudouin Peeters, director of URBA. Ben Affleck. (c) Reuters KING LEOPOLD II AND THE INDEPENDENT STATE OF CONGO The Board of Directors of the Royal Belgian-African Union (, the successor to UROME-KBUOL, has...
by urbakbaudev | Feb 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
Reward and pensions owed by Belgium to Congolese veterans who served during the colonial era (La Libre Afrique) – response by André de Maere, Honorary Director of KBAU. The AFP report, which also mentions a documentary on these veterans, quotes the words of two...
by urbakbaudev | Feb 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
On October 8, 2019, MusAfrica closed its doors ahead of work to expand and restore the museum. View of MusAfrica, after completion of the Quartier des Casernes. ProjetCoeurDeVille (c) Thomas Piron In addition to increasing the surface area of the complex (from 650m²...