
Historical file

The Belgian colonisation in Central Africa

During the period when the Parliamentary Commission on Colonial Grant was in session, the BELvue Foundation published a document entitled : ” The Belgian Colonisation in Central Africa “. This document was presented to the Commission.

The association URBA-KBAU felt challenged by the approach taken, which focused on the negative aspects of colonisation or favoured skewed interpretations of objective facts. It even went so far as to completely omit important historical facts. A working group reviewed this dossier in its entirety and proposed to the Baudouin Foundation, which had sponsored BELvue’s initiative, a series of amendments to the Belvue Historical Dossier.
If You want to study this material, please refer to the Dutch or French version of this website, where you will find the links to the original document of BELvue and to the document in which this original text and the text amended by URBA-KBAU are presented side by side.
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Historical file

Revision of the Historical file
of BELvue by URBA-KBAU