
URBA-KBAU reaction against racist statements about Pierre Kompany

24 June, 2020 | URBA KBAU

URBA-KBAU (Royal Belgian African Union) and Mémoires du Congo have noted with dismay the racist remarks published on social media by some Belgians living in DR Congo.

These remarks are inadmissible and fortunately punishable under our laws. We call on the relevant authorities to take up the matter.

URBA-KBAU and Mémoires du Congo are particularly outraged by these incidents targeting Mr Pierre KOMPANY, who like his family is an example of integration in Belgium and is active in Belgian-Congolese friendship associations.

More than ever, in these debates on racism in relation to our colonial past, URBA-KBAU and Mémoires du Congo reiterate that they are in favour of a calm and open debate and that at the end of a contextualisation by the parliamentary ‘truth and reconciliation commission’, all aspects of this issue will be clarified to enable us to promote better social cohesion in our diversity and foster friendship based on equality and solidarity.

For the Board of Directors,

Renier NIJSKENS, Baudouin PEETERS,

Chairman and Managing Director

For Mémoires du Congo



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