
Who are we

The president speaking

The Union Royale Belgo-Africaine, or URBA for short, is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the precious heritage that Belgians and Africans, from 1885 to the present day, have bequeathed to history, thanks to their commitment to the development and prosperity of the continent… more


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Who are we

Vision and objectives

At a time when collective memory is constantly being reinterpreted, the Union Royale Belgo-Africaine (URBA-KBAU) recognizes the complexity and plurality of historical narratives linked to the Belgian colonial period in Central Africa. It believes that it is crucial to engage in a process that enables us to understand this past in all its diversity, avoiding the pitfalls of a univocal, truncated vision that would serve neither the truth nor fruitful dialogue between peoples.


Who are we


The Cercle Royal Africain was founded on December 7, 1889 and chaired by General Albert Thys, the illustrious creator of the Bas-Congo railroad linking Matadi to Léopoldville. The association had two aims: to foster patriotism among its members, and to develop a center for union, exchange of ideas, documentation and enjoyment. It met regularly at 5 Place Royale, in the Globe tavern.

At the celebration of its 50th anniversary in 1939, the association had 651 members.

On 1 June 1951, the Union Royale Coloniale Belge was founded in Brussels as an umbrella for the circles of friends of veterans that had already sprung up in various cities in the country, as well as the associations that were to follow later.


Who are we


Hereafter we sum up the goals of URBA, as they are mentioned in article 4 of the revised statutes of the association; The mission of URBA is the following :


The collective remembrance of what the Belgians have realized in Congo, Rwanda and Burundi together with the local population.

Keep safe and stimulate

The privileged bonds between Belgium, Congo, Rwanda and Burundi.

Coordinate and take to heart

The collective interest of their members


The Belgians, Congolese, Rwandese en Burundese who wish to participate to the creation of dynamic en positive relations between their respective countries.


To bringing the population of the four countries closer to each other by an efficient approach to all forms of disinformation about them and to the promotion of the collective registration of a fact based and scientific history of their relations

Explore, study and propose

Strategies of cooperation that are fruitful for all the populations involved.


Most recent appropriation of the statutes of URBA (General meeting on 22/06/2023)